Experiental Design Final

 Week 5 - Week 10

Justin Averill Prasetya / 0355048
Exp Design/ BDCM / The Design School
Final Project


Part Prototype
The first step in making the prototype was to come up with the ui with Figma or XD. The concept was I wanted to make it more cool and dark type so that it would be more cool and menacing, I've come up with a red and black color pallet and for the button, i used a hexagonal shape. Here's the final outcome of this ui

Fig 1.1.1

Final UI
Fig 1.1.2
It consists of several pages and has several customizations from the deck list that you've obtained and the playmat even tho I'll reconsider the usage of the playmat. The next step was to determine how to utilize the prototype, for the card i was using the card that I've got right now but I'll work on the design next but if not I'll use the current card.
Fig 1.1.3 Model
Fig 1.1.4 Stats
After had all of the resources, try to utilize in the unity and continue the progress
Fig 1.1.5

Fig 1.1.6

Fig 1.1.7
After I've finished all of the models i start to continue with the attack animation and add more features to it
Finalizing Part
The next step was to improve the ui. There will be 6 scenes to make. The first one was the home menu which consists of 3 buttons Start, Customize, and Deck List. The second one I want to make is to customize the functioning to customize the summoner mat which was the base for summoning a character. The deck list functions to assign the deck to the game and last one is play to play. 
Fig 1.2.1
Main page with 3 functional button
Fig 1.2.2 Page Changer/ LoadMyScene

 Fig 1.2.3
Mat preview page with carrousel or slider so that I can put a lot of display in the tight space. for the slider, i only use a scrollview with a bit of adjustment and only make it horizontal so it doesn't scatter everywhere.
 Fig 1.2.4 Mat preview page

Fig1.2.5 what it looks like

Fig 1.2.6
The script assigns each button to a specific object so that after you press the button the designated object appears while the other's disappeared.
Fig 1.2.7 After assigning the script to a button

Fig 1.2.8
Animation Sequence for 2 of the characters, running attack and death. For the player, i rig it on my own but for the enemy, it's already been provided

Fig 1.2.9 
Assigned button (For defense i use the same code as the customize page)
Fig 1.2.10 Models

Fig 1.2.11
The Card Controller code to make the card have 5000 points and integrated with the attack controller so that after several times of collision and the point reaches 0 the card will die and show the death animation and vanish.
Fig 1.2.12
The attack controller functioning by playing with the collider that's been assigned so that when the character reaches an area of collide it will interact by reducing the enemy's points by 500 every collision and connected with the card controller so that the points will deducted.
Fig 1.2.13
Attack controller to activate the collider on both cards and gain damage by integrating it with card controller and reducing the point there by 500 points 
Fig 1.2.14
Box collider and rigid body so that the model has a physical interaction. and box collider to set an area of interactions
Fig 1.2.15
What appears on screen.

Final Video
Fig 1.1.8

Further Improvement
The Further refinement of this game focuses on enhancing stability, improving clarity, and eliminating scattered elements to provide players with a more immersive and enjoyable augmented reality gaming experience. The next improvement is making it more playable and clear also improving the code so that the enemy also can attack back so that it becomes a whole game.


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