Game Developtment Task 2 - Art Asset


Week 5-8

Justin Averill Prasetya / 0355048
Game Dev / BDCM / The Design School
Task 2 - Art Asset Devloptment


Reference and Early Concept:
Fig 1.1.1-1.1.3
I decided to draw it so I could easily find a suitable asset and also I needed it personalized to my own preference so I could freely modify and freely explore the stylization

Progress With Kirta: 
Fig 1.1.4-1.1.6

Current Finalized Drawing
The MC
Fig 1.1.7
The Rest of The Character
Fig 1.1.8
(Evil King, Knitted Ball, Skeleton, Skeleton with Hand Axe, Living Tree, The MC)

Fig 1.1.8,5

I need to alter some of the story because I found it interesting when Inside the castle and outside the castle when he first started the mission would have different art styles to show how serious and dark it is inside of the castle and there's a dark secret covering it. I also want to tease the true villain by making a dark aura on the king so it would be more suspicious

Animation Pose
Fig 1.2.1 Walking and Hopping
Fig 1.2.2 Welding A Sword

Misc Assets
Fig 1.2.3 Sword and Grass
Fig 1.2.5 Another Grass
Fig 1.2.6 Grass
Finalized Assets:

Fig 1.2.7 
Here's the accumulation of some of the in-game items except for the coins and another ornament

Scene No 1
Scene number 1 is gonna set in the castle when Antares met the king and the king briefs the task for Antares to find a scroll the interesting part is on this scene there will be a foreshadowing of the ending of the game
Fig 1.2.9 Progress
Finalized Scene:
There will be an animation for this scene and not static like this, also the scene is only a chatting scene so the only interaction is clicking to go next.

Fig 1.2.10 

Scene No 2
The second scene is when Antares starts his journey to find the scroll and meets an old man, in this one, the backdrop is on the mountain and there's a suspicious castle in the background which was the first castle when he met the king
Fig 1.3.1
Finalized Castle
Fig 1.3.1
Background Drawing
The concept was a mountainside view with a castle and lake in the middle
Fig 1.3.2 Sketching
Fig 1.3.2 coloring
Fig 1.3.2 coloring

Final Background

Fig 1.3.3 
After done with everything i added the character and enemy also a bit of ornament and add a bit of depth and soon a parallax effect
Fig 1.3.4
Title Screen
I took the color reference from adventure time and the art style I adjust it with the game, also I made it a bit rough so it resembles a dragon scale
Fig 1.3.5
For the title screen/landing page i implemented an average landing page-type of layout
Fig 1.3.6

 Animation Draft


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