Game Developtment - Final Task
Week 5-8
Justin Averill Prasetya / 0355048Game Dev / BDCM / The Design School
Task Final Task
Parallax Background
Fig 1.1.1
I improve it by layering the background so it adds more depth. Also, i
set it up with different speeds and offsets so it looked like unrevealing
Firstly is a declaration which functioned as Define and initialize
variables used throughout the script
Fig 1.1.2
Void start is used for initialization tasks that need to be performed once
at the beginning of the script's execution or when the GameObject is
Fig 1.1.4
First, I made the character movement frame by fame I compiled it in the
unity, and applied it to the script modifier
Fig 1.1.5
if (isOnGround): Checks if the player is on the ground.
animator.SetBool("IsIdle", true); and animator.SetBool("IsRun", false);: Sets animation states based on whether the player is moving (IsRun) or idle (IsIdle).
animator.SetBool("IsIdle", true); and animator.SetBool("IsRun", false);: Sets animation states based on whether the player is moving (IsRun) or idle (IsIdle).
Fig 1.1.6
To ensure the crate doesn't glitched out and go anywhere
Fig 1.1.7
Enemy Manager and Controller
The script controls my enemy and sets up their wander area and
probability to go anywhere because I wanted to make it random, but I got
an issue with that, it always had a bug where the character was stuck in
1 place. But here's the code that includes the necessary conditions to
make the enemy function. Because of this script as well the movement
speed could be different everytime you entered the game
Fig 1.1.8
Script that deals damage to the player, by colliding with the box
collider 2d.
Fig 1.1.9
Enemy Animation
Tree Enemy
Fig 1.1.9
Skeletal Enemy and Boss
Fig 1.1.10
Rolling Ball
This one i only adjust the rotation value on the condition.
Moving Platform
First, we need to set up a start point and the endpoint using game
Fig 1.2.1
Afterward setup this declaration and if you want you could set up the
on gizmos to define the start point and endpoint clearly.
Platform Effector
To make the platform passable, we need to set up an effector linked to
the collider 2d by checking the effector.
For my boss battle, there will be a flying projectile that could follow
the player, I got the code from a YouTube tutorial. By converting the
projectiles to prefabs, we could spawn the game object anytime by using
set active and by linking to my enemy manager it could deal
Item Collecting
The collecting item is basically i wanted to set a certain value and
when the value is fulfilled you could get transported to the next level.
This one linked to the collectible object
Fig 1.2.5
This one functions as the collector on the player.
Fig 1.2.6
Video Player / Checkpoint
First, i made the video using After Effects as a cutscene, but before
that I drew the assets first with Krita.
Fig 1.2.7
Final Outcome
For the checkpoint, I took the code from Mr Razif's tutorial, by
putting a game object that linked to the box collider set it into is a
trigger, and linked it with this script which controls the vector2
coordinate of the player.
Checkpoint Animation
Fig 1.2.13
Playable Game Before Enhancement:
Playable Game After a bit of change:
Game Document:
Fig 1.2.14
Presentation Video
Fig 1.2.15
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