Advance Interactive Design - Proposal


Week 1 - 4

Justin Averill Prasetya / 0355048
Adv Interactive / BDCM / The Design School
Task 1 - Proposal



Content: Paul Partohap - Lover’s Atlas


Album concept: Sketch and Pop but also neat

Web design: Pop using sketch/paint stroke transition


Transition Sequence -> Overview and background of the album -> Artist background -> Full album list -> Previous work -> Footer

1. Overview and Background of the Album
Visual: Large album cover image
Description: Brief overview and background text

2. Artist Background
Visual: Artist's portrait
Description: Biography and key achievements

3. Full Album List
Visual: Grid of album covers with titles
Description: List of all songs with preview options

4. Previous Work
Visual: Timeline or carousel of previous albums
Description: Highlights of past albums and major hits

5. Footer: Visual: Clean and simple footer with navigation links
Description: Contact information, social media links, and legal notices

Fig 1.1.0

The transition sequence will appear as you scroll and the objective of the website will be clear from the start because I will put a subtitle. 

Fig 1.1.1

Color Pallete

I will take a reference from the album color which was this one

Fig 1.1.2

But I probably gonna make it more contrast and pop this one as just a base color.


Fig 1.1.3

Cartoony and Pop with the liquid transition or i said paint stroke


Fig 1.1.4


Fig 1.1.5

Google Docs

Fig 1.1.6


Fig 1.1.7
Advance Inter Slides by Justin averill Prasetya

Video Presentation


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