Experiental Design Prototype
Week 5 - Week 10
Justin Averill Prasetya / 0355048Exp Design/ BDCM / The Design School
The first step in making the prototype was to come up with the ui with Figma or XD. The concept was I wanted to make it more cool and dark type so that it would be more cool and menacing, I've come up with a red and black color pallet and for the button, i used a hexagonal shape. Here's the final outcome of this ui
Fig 1.1.2
It consists of several pages and has several customizations from the deck list that you've obtained and the playmat even tho I'll reconsider the usage of the playmat. The next step was to determine how to utilize the prototype, for the card i was using the card that I've got right now but I'll work on the design next but if not I'll use the current card.
Fig 1.1.3 Model
Fig 1.1.4 Stats
After had all of the resources, try to utilize in the unity and continue the progress
Fig 1.1.5
Fig 1.1.6
Fig 1.1.7
After I've finished all of the models i start to continue with the attack animation and add more features to it
Final Video
Fig 1.1.8
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