Game Studies / Exercise

 Week 1- Week 4

Justin Averill Prasetya / 0355048
GCD 61504 / BDCM / The Design School


Week 1: Game history and culture


Exercise 1
Choose a video game title that you really, really like. Is there a title that kept you returning to play it, even though you have stopped playing for quite some time?

Review the best parts of the game that make you a fan, as well as the parts where you think the game could use some improvements.

Present your findings from the position of ‘PLAYER’ and ‘DESIGNER’ as a video presentation and upload it to YouTube (set to Unlisted) for submission.

Fig 1.1.1
Exercise 2

Identify a non-digital game that has been converted into a digital version.

  1. Brief explanation of the gameplay

  1. Differences and similarity of play dimension (real life vs on screen):

Tip! Pick a game with either real-time or turn-based action; describe its core game mechanics and explain how the player experiences them temporally during both play dimensions.

  1. Benefits and disadvantages of three-dimensional:

Tip! Find a game that has appeared in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional versions; compare, and give grounds for whether three-dimensional is beneficial or not in games.

Fig 1.2.1

This exercise helped a lot for me to find out and determine how the game mechanic works and figure out a different aspect that makes the game interesting and makes the gamer crave more and more. From how the concept is utilized in the game, how the game works like the gameplay and additional features, and how the environment can support the experience like the community of the game and also update that support the gameplay and gives a new event and experience monthly so that the game doesn't feel plain. By looking at these aspects, I've learned that the way to make is game isn't just about the graphics, gameplay has a huge role in improving the gameplay and making it interesting, but the initial concept also needs to be considered by looking at the fact that theme were the one that makes game interesting and stand out. 

Through this process, we gained a profound insight into the holistic nature of game development. It's not just about eye-catching graphics; gameplay is a cornerstone of creating an engaging and captivating experience. However, we also learned that the initial concept or theme of the game is equally crucial. It is the theme that infuses uniqueness and intrigue, making the game stand out amidst the sea of options available to gamers.

In essence, these exercises served as a compass that guided us in navigating the complexities of game development, emphasizing the significance of both gameplay mechanics and the underlying concept or theme.


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