25/10/2022 - /10/2022 / Week 8 - Week 10
Justin Averill Prasetya / 0355048
GCD 61204 / Bachelor of Design in Creative media / The Design School/
Exercise 1
SENSE OF PLACEDesigner problem with effective visual communication is needs to be solved
so this is was the importance of observation does. like for an example hoe does designer have a idea what to include in the design?
Obeserving is an active act of acuiring information through the senses, of a subject matter in it's natural setting and it's important to designer for see and solving the problems. And now for the sense of place we can observe it through observation such as photograph and etc
<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gp6DMsKYIKPH5aOOgoftpj9YfcxOkCsb/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Visual Refererence:
I choose train and the station as the resembled of sadness, because i usually use train to go to another city with my Friends and i always ended up alone in the train because most of my friends live in bekasi and i live in jakarta although sometimes there's 2 of my friend who life in jakarta but usually im ended up alone in the last train station
Fig 2.1.1 https://in.pinterest.com/pin/313281717827917851/
Fig 2.1.2 https://www.deviantart.com/sweetiebot3000/art/Train-Station-Drawing-900315674
Fig 2.1.3 https://www.pinterest.com/pin/78953799697839688/
Sketch 1 :
This sketch is resembling the sadness and loneliness after a long day with friend and ended up alone in train
Fig 2.2.1
Visual Reference: i use a reference from cisauk station in indonesia
Fig 2.3.1 https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x2e69e4bd4cde0881%3A0xfaa1768e23c3b55c!3m1!7e115!4shttps%3A%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNfUkKzKVjfd7draSdi5aHZ6oUNs9_yu0qR9XeJ%3Dw426-h320-k-no!5scisauk%20station%20-%20Penelusuran%20Google!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipNfUkKzKVjfd7draSdi5aHZ6oUNs9_yu0qR9XeJ&hl=id&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwic7OTEtZP7AhUKTGwGHSkmAc8Qoip6BAhrEAM
Sketch 2:
This sketch resembles the quite and calm situation in the train station. This is usually happened when i change the train lane in the middle of the night and its always only me alone.
This station always reminds me the day long with my friends
Fig 2.4.1 (Sketch)
Fig 2.4.2 (Progress)
i want to emphasise the sky so it makes more warm atmosphere
and also my colour choices yellow and black for me makes the atmosphere more silent and
in the end i made it little bit blue ish to make it more like night
Fig 2.4.3 (Digitalisation Progress)
Fig 2.4.4 (Final work)
Cold and silent night always resembles calm and peaceful also sadness. What i like from waiting a train in the middle of the night is the atmosphere is soo warm and it always ended up being a good memories
Week 8: For now the expressions is not too deep and the're is no description in the e portfolio
Week 9: Make the light 1 is emphasised and the other is like dimming
I now understand why and how i observed especially this train station and applied it to the design and how to apply the atmosphere that i want it to have, because i want to make like representing changing a train lane at night i want to make it more calm and warm. although in first i can't figure out what and how can i applied the design in the end i still manage to do it although maybe not as good as other
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