(week 10 - week 14)
Justin Averill Prasetya / 0355048
GCD 61204 / Bachelor of Design in Creative media / The Design School/
Final Project


<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nbhb06yaXCKCuToQx94COxOyBkEteMQk/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

Duration: 15 seconds
Output: MOV or .MP4 less than 20MB
Size: 1080 x 1920 px (I.G reel/ story size)
Idea Development: 5 marks (WEEK 10)
Design Direction: 5 marks (WEEK 11)
Execution and Post Production: 10 marks (WEEK 12)
Animation & Finishing: 10 marks (WEEK 13)

  • Final Project Self Titled cinemograph
Idea Development

Biography and Statement

<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/18Av_r0LcGSGHfFlYn4c73fyeWzjhXS-_/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Fig 2.1.1

Visual Research 
The first thing i search on printerest is how music album looks like and the style or the elements i can use to construct my poster and i want to put 2 sides of me also .

This poster i used as a Reference for how to make myself looks like flying with the motion blur effect also i've planned to make my eyes glow also
Fig 2.2.2 

This poster i found on printerest maybe i use it a reference for how contrast work and i just need to work the colour only 1 is more bright and 1 is warm
Fig 2.3.1 

This is the main idea that i want to apply with blending mode and effect on photoshop, the style of this poster i think representing most of rock band or indie rock band poster.
Fig 2.3.2

Design Direction

First Sketch: 
There's 2 sketch that i made, the first one is full body and i think i'll finalised the idea with this concept because i want to make it flying and i think i'll more appropriate 
Fig 2.3.3
Second Sketch

This is the second concept but i think i'll stick with the first one.
Fig 2.3.4

Creating Digital Poster
Fig 2.4.1
I use this photo because it was the best pose to represent the concept and i think fly is the best thing to represent freedom of expression and wild imagination when i'm listening to music
  • First Poster Process
    Fig 2.4.2
    During my exploration for finding the right blending mode, i found out that i can make the effect using hard mix blending mode in a new colour layer
Fig 2.4.3
Mr Martin feedback for this one is this is too simple maybe i want to explore a little bit and so i did.
Fig 2.4.4
For this one i think the contrast is more obvious and i made a musical note behind me following the first concept and statement that i made

Execution and Post Production
Final Outcome
Fig 2.4.5

Musical God 

  • For The Last Step we need to make animation using after effect and he're is the progress that i made
I used 1 preset called saber by video copilot because i thing i don't have enough time to construct the effect by myself but the rest is purely by myself
Fig 2.5.1
Fig 2.5.2

Fig 2.5.3 Title Making 

Fig 2.5.4 
I have much experience handling after effect so i figure out how to make it smooth and seamless on the first outcome and here's the final result
Final Animation
Fig 2.6.1

Fig 2.6.2


This project is fun for me because i can express whatever comes to my mind and my passion also, The toughest part is how to manage the composition and make it good to see also i need to find the reference that's near to my idea and i can see how the reference also help me to manage the effect and everything else. For the animation part because i was originally like to play with after effect so it's not a though part for me.


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