Design Principle / Task 1

27/09/2022 - 11/10/2022 / Week 5 - Week 7 
Justin Averill Prasetya / 0355048
GCD 61204 / Bachelor of Design in Creative media / The Design School/
Exercise 1

Week 5
Pre Recorded:


A self representation in 

the form of a drawing/painting/sculpture/design. It is a visual depiction of the self. A self portrait 

artwork represents the designer/artist in other words, how he sees himself, what hes feeling, and how he wants to be seen by others. Its not necessarily about creating a realistic image of yourself; instead, its often an exercise in self exploration


<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

Select visuals that you find relevant and interesting to you, which you can
translate into a design work to create a portrait of yourself. Remember
to apply design principles in your work. For materials, you may use
any of your choice, but do consider their suitability to best express your

In your PROJECT 1 – SELF-PORTRAIT post in the blog, include:
1. a recap of Project 1 brief
2. your design process:
2.1 visual references (designs that have inspired your own)
2.2 idea exploration and description
2.3 final outcome in JPEG and a short rationale
2.4 feedback given by the lecturer
2.5 reflection on the particular week

  • TASK 1 / Self Portrait 
Contemplate on your life experiences, which includes your culture, your
family, your friends, your schooldays, your favourite hangouts, your
favourite music, food, musician, etc. Observe your surroundings –
people, vehicles, buildings, plants, signages, nature, and activities.
Record these in sketches, photography and/or video recording.
Study all the visuals that you had collected.
  • Mind Map

Fig 2.1.1 (Week 5)
This it my mind map and i've already chose that i will work on music because that is one of my main interests and Ms Jinchi said that i should add the expressions also
  • Visual references
    Fig 2.2.2
    Fig 2.2.3

  • Sketch
Based on my Musical Interest
This sketch is based on my feelings when playing the piano/ keyboard on the stages. For the first one i feel that the melody is flowing and like it's keeps going until the end of the song from the treble clef to the end of the song

Fig 2.3.1 (Week 6)
This one is based on my feeling when playing the keyboard, i feel that when i played the keyboard/ piano i fell like i'm the center of attention and i can't feel the presence of others whose watching me 

Fig 2.3.2 ( Picture of me in front of the keyboard)

Fig 2.3.3 ( Week 7)
  • Final Outcome
Because Ms Jinchi said that i should use the 1st one as the background because it has more expressions and 2nd one as the object, i combine two of my sketch in illustrator and here's what i've ended up finalizing

Fig 2.4.1 ( Adobe Illustrator Process)
Final Outcome Fig 2.4.2 (Week 7)
  • Concept

This Self Portrait represents me in terms of my musical side, Because my main instrument is keyboard i use it as the main object and the guitar as the complimentary, for the background is the expressions that i felt while im playing the keyboard. I fell like the notes is flowing 


Week 5 : Because i choose 1 musical aspect it will be better if i add more expressions while i'm playing the instruments

Week 6: Try to make new sketch with the same perspective but make it a bit lower and another musical instrument is above the object

Week 7 : Sketch 1 is has more expressions in the background so i need to use the sketch 1 as a background in the sketch 2 


i've usually have difficulty to expressing myself and i can't decide which media i should use because my idea is pretty wild. But i manage to apply my idea to this self portrait and i ended up pretty satisfied with the end result. And now i have more confidence to execute my idea.


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