Application Design 2 - Final Task
Week 12 - 14 Justin Averill Prasetya / 0355048 App Design 2 / BDCM / The Design School Final Task INSTRUCTIONS App Animation Start-Up Animation I used After Effects for the animation then compressed and covert it into LottieFlies code so I could implement it into the app the concept was to make it appear out of nowhere. Fig 1.1.1 Fig 1.1.2 Fig 1.1.3 Here's the implementation of it, I classify them into 2 classes foreground and background which have different z indexes so they can overlap each other, for the modifier, I also set an animation, after the start-up screen ends or the duration that i set up ends, the home screen will slide up with the help of gsap from and to, so we could determine before and after value.